Period of execution  Client/Contracting authority Description of services
2013 NSPA - Nato Support Agency Environmental suervey and remediation program at the Italian mod firing range of Salto Di Quirra (PISQ) Saridinia
2012 Consorzi del comune di Ciampino Assessment of carbone dioxide diffuse emissions from soil
2012 Pistoia Ambiente Discarica del Cassero Assessment of landfill biogas emission from MSW landfill by use of atmospheric disperison model CALPUFF
2012 ESA - Elbana Servizi Ambientali (Subcontractor of CNR.IGG) Odour emission characterization of compost plant and biofilter treatment  and air quality assessment 
 2011-2013  MEPA - Malta Environment and Planning Authority  In cooperation with Ambiente Sc and the CIBM, West Systems supplies services for the characterization of environmental radioactivity in soil and sea-water by using high resolution gamma spectrometry. Moreover West Systems is defining a strategy for the medium-long term surveys and monitoring of ionizing radiations on the Maltese territory.
 2011-2012   Servizio Geologico Saudi Arabia SGS  Design ad realization of a monitoring network for the survey of carbon dioxide diffuse emissions and borehole measurement of ground-water dissolved carbon dioxide;
 2012  Civisa University of Açores   Carbon dioxide monitoring in soil and atmosphere for health risk support/surveillance
 2011  Endesa (España)  Design, realization and management of a monitoring station for the carbon dioxide  emissions from carbon capture and sequestration sites.
 2009-2011   ENI-STOGIT Subcontractor of Massa SpinOff  Design, realization and management of a monitoring network for the methane and not-methane hydrocarbons emissions in soil, ground water and atmosphere.
 2009-2010  Cisam - Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari - ITALY  Supply of monitor for hands/feet/clothes (system for detection of surface contamination - measure alpha, beta and gamma)
 2009-2010  Cisam - Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari - ITALY  Supply of instrumentation for environmental monitoring from ionizing radiation
 2009-2010  Cisam - Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari - ITALY  Supply of monitoring station of radioactive particulate
 2009-2010  Cisam - Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari - ITALY  Supply of 02 measurement systems in low-background alpha and beta
 2008-2009  Cisam - Centro Interforze Studi Applicazioni Militari - ITALY  Supply of a system to measure ambient dose equivalent, radon concentration, wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, rate of rainfall, concentration of ammonia, geographic coordinates and altitude of the measuring point
 2008-2010  Nato-Namsa (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) in collaboration with Massa Spin-off Srl  ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT AT THE ITALIAN MOD FIRING RANGE OF SALTO DI QUIRRA (SARDINIA) AND SURROUNDING AREA2008-2011 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ASSESSMENT AT THE ITALIAN MOD FIRING RANGE OF SALTO DI QUIRRA (SARDINIA) AND SURROUNDING AREA LOT1 - Characterization of areo-dispersed radioactivity and chemical characterization of particulate.
 2002-2003  Scuola Sottufficiali Marina Militare Mariscuola - ITALY  Recovery of efficienty of the NBC Netwaork at La Maddale (Sardinia-Italy)
 2003-2004  Scuola Sottufficiali Marina militare Mariscuola - ITALY  Maintenance and modernization of fixed network of nuclear monitoring at La Maddalena (Sardinia -Italy)
 1994-2006  La Maddalena Arcipelago - USL2 Sassari - subcontractor of Cogema  Maintenance of the alpha beta gamma radiation monitoring network of USL n.2 Sassari. The purpose of the systems was the assessment of natural and artificial radionuclides pollution on the La Maddalena arcipelago, where USA nuclear submarines where deployed up to 2007
1992-2007   Ministry of Defense MARISARDEGNA  Design, realization supply and full maintenance  of a monitoring network for gamma radiation survey.  This network has the aim of real time measurement of gamma irradiation rate on the La Maddalena archipelago, where USA nuclear submarines where deployed up to 2007.   The system is based on high dynamic ionization chamber able to detect irradiation in the range from 10-3 to a 106 µGy/h with high linearity. Particular attention has been paid to design a small system, suitable for the harsh weather conditions and climatic aggression saline, typical of the installation.


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