The Project involves several European partners, including Universities:

  • • CNRS, University Paul Sabatier, GET Laboratory, France
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Copenaghen
  • University of Munich
  • University of Iceland
  • University of Oviedo

And industrial partners:

  • West Systems
  • Rejkyavik Energy
  • Maersk Oil&gas

Purpose of the Project

The Project CO2- REACT ITN was created to face two main goals:

1) Provide urgent training on CO2 storage and prepare candidates to play important roles in the coming years

2) Developing a better understanding of fate and consequences of CO2 injection into subsurface, during underground carbon storage.

Project CO2-REACT ITN faces these objectives through the combination of different academic partners and industrial teams. The academic partners have been selected for their experience oncarbonate phase reactivity, from the atomic level to field application/studies. The six industry partners have been selected to represent the parties interested in CO2 storage. The result of this synergy is the creation of a training and research platform, with the aim of understanding the fate and consequences of CO2 injection in underground reservoirs through experimental and modeling techniques. Another CO2-REACT ITN goal is to stimulateawareness on needs, challenges and security of CO2 storage processes, through public awareness raising initiatives.

IThe Project CO2 REACT (full name: “Geologic Carbon Storage”  ( includes the study of all problems related to CO2 collection and storage and provides specialized training on processes and consequences of CO2 re-injection into reservoirs. The subjects involved in the project have been selected in order to allow both a micro-scale and a field study of the phenomenon. In fact,studies on fluid-rock interaction and on fluid dynamics of the processes will also be carried out, until the final field tests will be performed in Iceland.

The Project is divided into six Work Packages, each of which is active for the whole duration of the Project, with the aim of ensuring a regular reporting activity and to guarantee the successful completion of all actions.


West Systems will be in charge of all activities related to ESR9 included in Workpackage 2 (ERS-WP2) “Well material reactivity and security”

The goals of this work-package include:

  • Evaluatesecurity risks associated with corrosion of well materials during the process of carbon injection
  • Assesscomposition of trace gases mixtures that can be co-injected during the carbon storage operations

The main tasks and used methodology include:

  • Reaction of selected well materials withCO2 enriched gas mixtures, to assess the degree to which trace gases can be co-injected into the subsurface
  • The expected results include:

The project results will be published in international scientific journals and presented at international scientific meetings.