Thanks to anextensive accumulated experience in the field, West Systems designs fulli ntegrated systems for geochemical monitoring. Such stations are designed to meet specific requirements and are able to monitor environmental parameters related to air quality, chemical and physical parameters of groundwater, soil gas compositions.
In collaboration with Saipem and the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources of CNR , West Systems designed and implemented solutions for the monitoring of gaseousemissions in both natural gas storage sites and in areas designated to geological sequestration of carbon dioxide (CCS).
Instruments based on flame ionization detectors (FID) are used for the monitoring of hydrocarbons seepage, together with differential infrared spectrometers. Where further levels of sensitivity are required, cavity ring spectrometers can be used.
These monitoring systems provide the measurement of all environmental parameters that may affect the dispersion of pollutants into the environment.
For the monitoring of gases dissolved in water, various differentiating techniques can be applied,according to the aquifer accessibility, such as exchange membranes orhead spacebalancing cells.
The assessment of soil-atmospheric gas exchanges is performed through the analysis of interstitial gases (soil gas survey) or by direct measurement with anaccumulation chamber.
If required, the system can be integrated with further instruments and discrete analysis surveys which allow hydrocarbons isotopic characterization and the subsequent identification of the emitting source.
The aim of these monitoring activities is to detect:
- CH4/CO2amount in air
- CH4/CO2amount in soil gases
- CH4/CO2amount in water dissolved gas
- Weather measurements
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